Spooks Sequence

Sequence 1- The office.                                                                  Sequence 2- The thieves getting ready        


Media Sequence Questions – Lauren Vlahos – 12E

Sequence Order for ACTION A – In the office

1. What is happening?

In this sequence, there are people working in an office using a computer looking at people’s details. As you can see in the shots, there is information about three different characters that we do not know about. The only things we know about the people are their names.

We know that what is being show on the computer is important because of the text “classified top secret” which is shown on the computer screen.

After the information is looked at, it looks like the user of the computer puts some sort of encryption code onto the information so that it is inaccessible unless the person who wants to access that information has the code to verify access to it.

After the encryption code is put onto the important information of the characters shown on the computer screen, the information is then closed and put onto some sort of memory storing device and placed into a briefcase which has a finger print locking system. The briefcase is then handed to a man and the sequence ends.

2. What information are you GIVEN?

We’re not given a lot of information in the sequence but we know there is a level of importance about the people that are shown on the computer screens and the briefcase that is shown.

Another thing that we are shown are some of the characters faces that are in the office so we know that we are looking at the good guys.

3. What information is WITHELD?

A lot of information is withheld in this sequence as we are very limited to any dialogue. In fact, there is no dialogue at all. This makes us confused about what is going on in the sequence but it makes us focus on the movement and the actions/use of props in the sequence.

Other information that is withheld is the people in the actual work place. We do not see many people and we are limited to the exposure of what the people look like that are working using the computers. This gives us the sense of secrecy and gives it a MI5 like atmosphere as us as an audience believe that MI5 are a secret service which limits the amount of information that is exposed.

4.Why is the sequence important?

I think this sequence is important because it introduces a key object like the briefcase and shows the importance of it by having a shot of the finger print security system which locks and unlocks the briefcase. By doing this, we instantly know that whatever is in the briefcase is important and should not get into the wrong hands.

I also think this sequence is important because it shows the organization working at fast motion and speed which starts to build up tension and weariness of what is going on. By doing this it makes the audience more interested in what they’re watching.

5. Why do we need to see the other scenes in-between these scenes? – Think about the audience – what do they want to see? – What happens to the level of interest?

I think that it is important to see the other scenes in-between the scenes in the office because it shows both good side and bad sides preparing. This creates excitement and increases the level of interest.

By the use of having other scenes of the thief’s in-between the scene in the office makes it feel like time is passing by and doesn’t feel like it is happening in a split second. I think a good thing about jump cutting in-between the scenes gives us the feeling that everything is happening at the same time. This makes the scene tense and by doing this, makes the audience wanting to know what is going to happen next.